Monday Night Sewing

I had a very productive evening.  Finished the baby quilt top for Emrie. She is due in about 6 weeks, so I should be able to get it quilted and bound before the big occasion. Her nursery will be in pink and brown, with old-fashioned florals. (Sorry the tops of the two quilts below aren't visible because they are hanging over the banister in the stairway.)

I also was able to finish preparing the berries for Bittersweet Briar. They are glued on, but I haven't appliqued them yet. I was supposed to do 13 berries on each of the four vines, but as you can see, I only did 10. Don't call the quilt police -- but I didn't have it in me to do 12 more.

Bedtime for me. My workday starts at 6:00 a.m.
